Conveyor belts are very important for the transportation of things but the most important work, if someone has the conveyor belts, is the cleaning of these belts. People use these belts for so many reason and works. Sometimes the scrape lefts n these belts can create a problem for the belt to work. Son the cleaning and maintenance of these belts are very important. The cleaning system may be of so many types but these belts should be clean daily or after some hours because if they left unclean they can create a mess and also stop the working speed.
Belt cleaning system:
There are so many systems to clean the belt but the best in use is the pre-clean system. This system has consisted of a long blade type rode which helps in the cleaning and rub of the scrape present on the belt. They are fixed at an edge of the belt because when the belt moves on the other end this cleaning system works and remove the extra scrape on it. This system can even remove the tough pieces of the scrap from the belt which are unable to remove or clean with the hands.
The second and most important type of belt cleaners are the secondary cleaners which are located under the conveyor rollers. They help in increasing the performance of the belt almost 90%. They remove all the small stuff and scrape which is left under the belt. This helps in the improvement of the belt speed and the speed improve the work efficiency of the belt.
Why we need belt cleaners:
- These belt cleaners are very important for the long life of the belt.
- If the scrape has remained on the belt it will increase the speed of the belt to carry the things.
- Proper cleaning of the belts will help in the high speed of the work.
- These cleaning systems will help in the improvement productivity rate.
Maintenance of the belts:
The maintenance means that the checking and up-gradation of the belt. These belts carry loads on them so it is really important to maintain these belts. The workers who work on these belts know that they carry so many different things. They carry things which are heavy and sometimes they can be very tough. So they directly act on the situation of the belts. The maintenance is very important for the long life of the conveyor belt fasteners.
Our services:
We provide our services in both the maintenance and cleaning of these belts. We have certified and trained workers who know where they have to pay attention to the cleaning and maintaining system. We have our trained staff who can maintain the belts by checking it with new and updated equipment. They can bind and rebuilt any belt with perfection and best material. Our trained staff is working from so many years that they can handle any type of situation. They can work on both steel and rubber belts very effectively.